Being Prepared For An Emergency If Your Car Breaks Down
When you suffer a car breakdown, it’s never a good time. it can also be extremely embarrassing, not to mention stressful. And worst of all, it can be extremely dangerous, depending on where you are at the time. The main advice is not to panic, so you can think straight and begin to get the problem sorted, safely and effectively.
Being prepared in advance is also key and will help you get to grips with the situation quickly and efficiently.
Make Sure You Stop In A Safe Place
If there are any warning signs that your vehicle is about to break down, use this time to assess the situation and act promptly – slow down and look for somewhere convenient and safe to pull over, out of traffic. If you’re on the motorway, and there are no exits or services in the immediate vicinity, you may well have to drive onto the hard shoulder. Park your car as far to the left as you can manage, and turn your wheels away from the motorway lane you’ve just exited. Wherever you’ve pulled up, put your hazard lights on straight away to alert other drivers to the fact that you have a problem.
What are typical warning signs that your car is in trouble? Smoke emerging from under the bonnet, noises that are not typical of your car when it’s moving and heavy vibrations are all indicators that there could be a serious problem.
Making A Safe Exit From The Vehicle
The next step is to get yourself and any passengers to a place of safety. This is relatively easy on quiet roads, but it’s absolutely essential you take extra care in motorway situations. Always get all the car’s occupants exit on the passenger side, including you as driver. This keeps you away from fast moving traffic on the driver’s side. Stand as far away from the road – and the car itself – as is safely possible. Behind the nearest safety barrier is ideal, or as far up any grassy bank as can be managed. In short, as far away from moving cars as possible.
What To Do If You Have Pets In The Car
If you’re carrying pets in the car, it’s safest for you and for them to leave them there. If there’s time, crack the windows open to make sure they have ventilation and provide drinking water if possible.
Call For Assistance
Then, only once everyone is as safe as possible, ring up a breakdown service for help. If you have no mobile phone available, ask a passer-by, or if you’re on the motorway, make your way safely to an SOS phone, which should be located about every mile along the road.
Being Prepared Is Best
Keeping your car well-serviced and maintained will certainly help avoid the need for breakdown recovery Eastbourne wide, but sometimes cars still grind to a halt with no apparent warning. Before you embark on any long journey, and just for everyday use, it’s always helpful to have the number of your garage, emergency breakdown service or a 24-hour vehicle recovery service like ARS Recovery in Eastbourne stored in your phone. Knowing you’re prepared can take a lot of stress out of the situation.